Nine Arches Bridge
- Taken: August 25, 2016 15:31
- Location: Demorada, Sri Lanka - Map
One of the most impressive bridges I have ever seen was in Demodara, Sri Lanka. “Bridge in the sky” was built in 1921 and has a total length over 90m.
This photo was shot using ND1000 filter to get that sick motion blur.
Tip: Don’t mess around the bridge. There are HUGE bee nest under the archs. We heard that only couple of weeks earlier a dozen of Chinese tourist got themselves into hospital for messing around nests. It wasn’t this site though but general rule is don’t fuck with the bees.
All the photos and videos are 100% free to use for non-commercial projects. Just give credit to Arto Marttinen / wandervisions.com. If you want to use this for commercial project, send me email and I will give you a fair price.
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- Aperture ƒ/5.6
- Focal length 24mm
- ISO 100
- Shutter speed 8s